
There are various ways of consuming CBD,such as gummy,tincture and vaporizing. We have discussed this topic in previous articles.Now we are talking the ways to avoid leakage or scorch –via vape.

And there are two ways to vape CBD, one is to vape hemp flower directly,which is out of our business,so we won’t discuss about it. Another is to vape distillates –CBD terpene and CBD concentrates,cartridges are used on CBD terpene while atomizers are used on concentrates.

CBD cartridges have similar shape after CCELL defined the cartridge (vaporizers),but many CBD green hands have encountered leakage or scorch issues, even some CBD guru had been vexed by such case.

Now we are discussing about the leakage or scorch issues on cartridge.

Most coils in cartridges are ceramic,it takes time to dip the cotton in coils with CBD oil.So it is very important to wait for about 300 seconds before you vape–otherwise the cotton will scorch,then burned taste will be inhaled.we have such re-minder at the package of our disposable CBD–Goopen.

While many cartridge/disposable have leakage issue, which relates with the diameter of the intake hole,there viscosity of the cbd oil varies, it require the diameter changes accordingly. The more viscosity,the smaller diameter.that’s the reason we have options on diameters for any CBD products with coils–we have 1.5,1.8,2.0 for the cbd oil cartridge, and 1.6, 1.8 and 2.2 for disposable CBD– Goopen. And we will provide all options to buyer if they are not sure about the viscosity of their oil. When the diameter is too big, and oil is very thin,then leakage will happen, while the oil is very thick and diameter is too small, then the mobility is not enough,then the burned taste will occur.

To conclude, there are two possibility on burned taste: smaller intake hole or not enough time to dip cotton with oil or both;while the leakage is usually caused by the bigger intake holes.

Post time: Dec-27-2022