

After release from the pandemic blockage and consequent long-lost reunion with family and friends,all the members in Shenzhen Pluto are optimistic about the future,not only about the future of individual,but also about the future of the company and further more ,about the future of the industry.

The consumption were depressed and the entrepreneurs were prudent on investing and doing business during those 3 years in COVID-19 epidemic,at one aspect,orders were rare and small, which caused the profit is small and couldn’t afford hiring many workers, on the other side,the management were hesitant to take action even when some inquiry for big order came, since it had been hard to hire enough laborers in short time due to the blockage, and material flow had been broken from time to time. 

It was not good time for massive production,so the management decided to put much more efforts and resources on research and development. That decision came out with fruitful outcomes: we upgraded all the present 510 CBD batteries such as Ubox, Tbox, Mibox with type C port; the more important is we have developed several new models,and improved them with the comments and feedback from the customers’ try. We have made Gbox –a 510 battery with hydro bubbler –start from zero to being perfect,and we developed the upper version of Ubox–Ubox plus–a CBD 510 battery with adapters to bong/glass wipe. A beautiful disposable CBD model Goopen has gone through proto sample stage,and we are now collecting the feedback from customers. The cost efficient version of Gbox is on the way of amending,and trial production will be started in near future. 

Good news came from one after one–one of our key customers got amazing feedback in the CBD show,the regular buyers placed several big orders,and many prospects are discussing the order details. With such preparation during the epidemic time,we are ready to grow fast and happily. So many orders made workers busy,and make the management happy.

Post time: Feb-17-2023